Thursday, April 7, 2016

About Viral Profit

Viral Profit

About was created by a group of Affiliate Marketers from several countries. The purposes are to help all Affiliate Marketers or any online marketers around the globe to earn extra income either Active or Passive from digital products. 

More info about 

Q: How to make money with 

A: VIP Affiliate members can make money from ACTIVE Income, PASSIVE Income or both. Get 100% profit from ACTIVE Income and earn up to $44286 from our PASSIVE Income. Payment is in US Dollars.  

Q: How to join Who can join? 

A: You can register or sign up at as a Free Member and get your Viral-profit account. But as a Free Member, you will not have a privilege to earn any commission from our Active and Passive Income. If you are 18 years or above, then you can join . This is worldwide affiliate program so it is open to all countries.  

Q: How to be VIP Affiliate Member? What are the benefits? 

A: You need to upgrade your account to be VIP Affiliate Member. The price is only $15 (yearly). As a VIP Affiliate Member, you will get a license to sell our digital products and earn 100% profit. You will also get a license to earn money from our PASSIVE Income plan. 

You will get your own account with Replicated website and Landing Page.  Auto follow up system is also included in our system.  

Q: What is Matrix Cycle? 

A:  As a VIP Affiliate Member, your account will be added in our auto spill over matrix cycle 3x10. This auto spill over matrix cycle will be used to generate your Passive Income. To have a complete matrix cycle, 3x10 matrix position should be filled.   

Q: What is ACTIVE Income? How much is the commission? 

A: ACTIVE Income is your income that you can generate by selling our digital products. It is unlimited income for you to generate. The BEST part is you can earn 100% profit from our digital products. 

Starting from 6th April 2016, all VIP members will also get Direct Referral Bonus if new member upgrade to VIP Affiliate member (who was registered using VIP members affiliate/referral link). Direct Referral Bonus will be $5 per VIP Affiliate Member upgrade. This is your Unlimited Income!  
Q: What is PASSIVE Income? How to calculate? 

A: PASSIVE Income is your income which will be generated from our auto spill over 3x10 matrix plan. There are 10 levels with 3 width matrix. Every time a new VIP Affiliate member signed up under your network then you will get commission until 10th level. If your 3x10 matrix completely filled, you will earn $44286. 

The Forced Matrix plan is a m*n matrix where ‘m’ refers to the width of the plan and ‘n’ refers to the depth of the plan. This plan limits the width of each level in a distributor’s group, forcing strong distributors to pile (“spillover”) their recruits over people who did not sponsor them. 

In a forced matrix plan there is a set of direct referrals you may have. If you continue to recruit new members after you have reached that limit, then they will “spillover” to become sub-member of your direct referrals. The earning possibility through Forced matrix is really BIG!. 

You do not only earn commission for every person you refer, but you also get paid for the referrals referred by your referrals and then for their referrals and so on, N levels deep. 

In a 3 * 10 matrix you can have a maximum of three members on your 1st level, 9 on your 2nd level,27 on your 3rd level and so forth up to 10th level. As soon as you sign up the first 3 people, your first level will be filled and there will be no vacant position in first level to place other members. If you want to place another member then you have to place it in your downline members group. This is referred as ‘spill over’. In this you will get referral commission up to 10 levels deep.      
PASSIVE Income calculation below: 

Level 1.   3       x  $0.50  = $1.50 

Level 2.   9       x  $0.50  = $4.50 

Level 3.   27      x  $0.50  = $13,50 

Level 4.   81      x  $0.50  = $40.50 

Level 5.   243     x  $0.50  = $121.50  

Level 6.   729     x  $0.50  = $364.50 

Level 7.   2187    x  $0.50  = $1,093.50 

Level 8.   6561    x  $0.50  = $3,280.50 

Level 9.   19,683  x  $0.50  = $9,841.50 

Level10.   59,049  x  $0.50  = $29,524.50  

That's up to $44,286 per year by filling your matrix. 

(Calculation in US Dollars)  

Q: My earning can be inherited in case of death? 

A: Yes, email to us the full name, email, mobile number and address of the person who will be inherited your balance income in your account.  

Q: Is my personal information protected with your company? 

A: Any personal information that you provide to us is privacy protected. Your information will never be shared or sold to anyone.  

If you have any question, you can refer to our FAQ page at
Or contact our support team at

Please note: Our support team offices is located in South Carolina, United States EST (UTC -5), Europe (GMT+1) and Middle East (GMT+4) 

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